Robert te Kaat

Everything on .NET, Docker and Kubernetes

  • Running Azure Functions on AKS
    Azure Functions have been around for a while and seems to be gaining more popularity every day. And it’s not strange, since a function matches exactly with what people desire: when this occurs, that should happen. Trigger -> Handler. Focus on functionality And that’s probably one of the main reasons people are drawn to functions. You focus on functionality, not the additional plumbing as with a regular ASP.NET web api for example. The above function is invoked when an Azure Servicebus queue contains a message. It uses a ServiceBusTrigger. Other types of triggers are timer, HTTP, etc. Check here toContinue reading “Running Azure Functions on AKS”
  • Secrets in AKS – Part 2: AAD Pod Identity
    This is the second post in a series of articles about managing secrets in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Identity per pod As we have seen in the previous article, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identities can be assigned to an Azure VM. Code running inside the VM can obtain an accesstoken for the identity without any knowledge its credentials. Check the first article in this series to learn more about Managed Identities. When using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to provide a managed Kubernetes cluster, the nodes of the cluster are implemented using standard Azure VMs. This means the Kubernetes nodesContinue reading “Secrets in AKS – Part 2: AAD Pod Identity”
  • Secrets in AKS – Part 1: Managed Identity
    This is the first part in a series of articles about managing secrets in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Introduction When we create software that connects to other systems, we always need to manage the credentials needed to authenticate to that system. Safely handling those credentials is hard. Some store credentials (clear text) in a configuration file. That’s obviously very bad! If that’s you, I bet you also stored the file in your repository 🤦‍♂️. It’s better to inject them during deployment of the application, so that your code base stays clean and your developers don’t have any knowledge of theContinue reading “Secrets in AKS – Part 1: Managed Identity”

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